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Crown Hill Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit

Crown Hill Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit

Project Address

Seattle, WA

Conditioned Square Footage
500 sqft
Number of Bedrooms
1 Bed
Number of Bathrooms
1.0 Bath
Number of Floors Above Grade
2 Floors Above Grade
Home Type
Climate Zone Temperature
Climate Zone Humidity

With PV

HERS Index with PV
-20HERS (PV)
Average Monthly Energy Bill PV
$-10Average Monthly Energy Bill (PV)
Annual Energy Cost Savings with PV
$1,150Annual Energy Cost Savings (PV)
30 Year Savings with PV
$47,40030 Year Savings (PV)
Built By

Targa Homes LLC


HIA Year
HIA Status
HIA Category
Housing Innovation Award

Learn More

Key Features

Key Features
All-electric home Compact (core) plumbing design Energy / Heat recovery ventilator Electric Vehicle Charger Installed or Wired for Charger Heat pump water heater High-efficiency variable-speed heat pump Photovoltaics Triple-pane windows Unvented insulated attic ACH 50 < 2.5 or CFM50/SF of enclosure ≤ 0.25

See the Poster


Video Testimonial
Home owner (or occupant) Testimony
Targa Homes has a strong focus on sustainability, energy efficiency, durability, comfort, and indoor air quality in every project. Therefore the standards required by the ZERH program are considered part of the standard building spec for each project. Elements like triple-pane windows and balanced ventilation systems – these are simply included as standard.
Testimony Citation

Additional Media

Finished Elevations

Finished Interiors

Under Construction

Floor Plan