The Keowee
Project Address
Salem, SC
Conditioned Square Footage
2,775 sqft
Number of Bedrooms
4 Beds
Number of Bathrooms
3.0 Baths
Number of Floors Above Grade
2 Floors Above Grade
Home Type
Climate Zone Temperature
Climate Zone Humidity
With PV
HERS Index with PV
Average Monthly Energy Bill PV
$80Average Monthly Energy Bill (PV)
Annual Energy Cost Savings with PV
$2,280Annual Energy Cost Savings (PV)
30 Year Savings with PV
$95,40030 Year Savings (PV)
Built By
Addison Homes, LLC

HIA Year
HIA Status
HIA Category
Housing Innovation Award
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Key Features
Key Features
All-electric home Electric Vehicle Charger Installed or Wired for Charger Heat pump water heater High-efficiency variable-speed heat pump High-performance wall with continuous insulation Photovoltaics Raised-heel trusses Triple-pane windows ACH 50 < 2.5 or CFM50/SF of enclosure ≤ 0.25 Hot Water Recirculation Pump
See the Poster
Video Testimonial
Home owner (or occupant) TestimonyOur home enables us to live exactly as we desire. With a high-efficiency HVAC system, a water heater designed for optimal energy consumption, and a comprehensive whole-home dehumidifier, our dwelling provides exceptional comfort throughout the year, irrespective of the seasons. And there is no dust.Testimony CitationHomeowner