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Pronghorn Ranch

Pronghorn Ranch

Project Address

Prescott Valley, AZ

Conditioned Square Footage
2,469 sqft
Number of Bedrooms
3 Beds
Number of Bathrooms
2.0 Baths
Number of Floors Above Grade
1 Floor Above Grade
Home Type
Climate Zone Temperature
Climate Zone Humidity

With PV

HERS Index with PV
Average Monthly Energy Bill PV
$90Average Monthly Energy Bill (PV)
Annual Energy Cost Savings with PV
$1,800Annual Energy Cost Savings (PV)
30 Year Savings with PV
$79,00030 Year Savings (PV)
Built By

Mandalay Homes


HIA Year
HIA Status
HIA Category
Housing Innovation Award

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Key Features

Key Features
Energy / Heat recovery ventilator High-performance wall with continuous insulation Triple-pane windows Unvented insulated attic ACH 50 < 2.5 or CFM50/SF of enclosure ≤ 0.25

Additional Details

Additional Details
"The energy efficiency of my home has truly blown me away. One power bill totaled $3.64 and another totaled $7.96. As far as I’m concerned, you can’t beat that." – Homeowner Marsena

Read the Case Study


Home owner (or occupant) Testimony
We’ve been in the house for about two months now, and we’ve found the house to be very comfortable and energy-efficient. It’s late June in Arizona and the house is so well-insulated that despite peak temperatures in the mid-90s outside, we have yet to turn on the air conditioning and the house has maintained an inside temperature between 78 and 82 degrees.
Testimony Citation
Homeowner Bob

Additional Media

Finished Interiors

Under Construction

Other Images

Floor Plan