Adopting LED Technology: What Federal Facility Managers Need to Know

1 hour
Long Description

This recorded webinar provides an overview of the current status of LED technology as it relates to maturing applications, cautions, control options, and tools and resources to federal facility managers who make informed decisions.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basics of LED technology, its strengths and weaknesses
  • Know the specifics of LED attributes compared with other lighting technologies
  • Address economic considerations with LEDs and perform effective cost-effectiveness evaluations
  • Understand specific LED product application considerations.
Short Description
Recorded webinar provides an overview of LED technology as it relates to maturing applications, cautions, control options, and tools and resources to federal facility managers who make informed decisions.
Course ID
Training Type
CEUs Offered?
CEUs not offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Product Efficiency and Technology Integration

This curriculum offers courses that encompass various energy-efficient technology and equipment solutions, including building automation systems, maintenance management systems, optimal building performance strategies, advanced lighting systems, and emerging technologies.

Learning Focus

Energy Technology Efficiency

Energy Technology Efficiency
Energy Exchange