Data Center Energy Efficiency: IT Equipment and Software Efficiency

1 hour
Long Description

Executive Order 13693 established aggressive goals for data center energy use. This course offers an in-depth look at energy-saving opportunities with information technology (IT) equipment (such as servers) and discusses consolidation best practices.

It also covers efficiency ratings for different power supplies and the ways software can be managed to keep the optimal load for energy savings, virtualization, consolidation, decommissioning, data storage and legacy workload management, power supply efficiency, and more.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate servers by computations per watt and other efficiency standards
  • Identify opportunities for data center consolidation
  • Increase software efficiency through virtualization
  • Improve data storage management by reducing redundancy
  • Enable power management features within IT equipment.
Short Description
Course covers virtualization, consolidation, decommissioning, data storage and legacy workload management, power supply efficiency, and more.
Course ID
0.10 CEU
Training Type
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Facility and Fleet Optimized Design

This curriculum offers courses that encompass the cost-effective design, operations, and maintenance of buildings, campuses, and fleet infrastructure. These courses include holistic approaches to facility planning; technology integration; power supply; building systems, design and planning; infrastructure systems, interior and exterior building issues, and more.

Learning Focus

Specialty Facilities Design and Operations

Specialty Facilities Design and Operations

Operations and Maintenance

This curriculum offers courses that encompass the operations and maintenance (O&M) of systems and equipment found in facilities. The courses feature resources that can help energy managers gain management support for O&M programs and save energy and money.

Learning Focus

Specialty Facilities Design and Operations

Specialty Facilities Design and Operations

Product Efficiency and Technology Integration

This curriculum offers courses that encompass various energy-efficient technology and equipment solutions, including building automation systems, maintenance management systems, optimal building performance strategies, advanced lighting systems, and emerging technologies.

Learning Focus

Energy Technology Efficiency

Energy Technology Efficiency
Energy Exchange