Factors of Success in Storm Robustness: Design and Installation Best Practices

1 hour
Long Description

Agencies with sites located in climates that experience regular severe weather events face unique challenges when procuring new onsite solar PV and battery storage systems. Similarly, maintaining systems in these climates poses unique challenges. The main challenges for agency managers procuring new systems are to ensure that systems are appropriately engineered for expected site weather conditions. Codes and standards still lag behind field experience, requiring project engineers to utilize complementing engineering guidance. Understanding how to ensure that engineering guidance has been incorporated is an important step during the submittal review.

Short Description
Agencies with sites located in climates that experience regular severe weather events face unique challenges when procuring new onsite solar PV and battery storage systems. Similarly, maintaining systems in these climates poses unique challenges. Codes and standards still lag behind field experience, requiring project engineers to utilize complementing engineering guidance. Understanding how to ensure that engineering guidance has been incorporated is an important step during the submittal review.
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Curriculum / Learning Focus

Distributed Energy and Energy Procurement

This curriculum offers courses that cover distributed energy, renewable energy technologies, project implementation and validation, energy procurement options, and more.

Learning Focus

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement
Energy Exchange