FEMP 50: Advancing Federal Energy and Water in a Changing Climate

1.5 hours
Long Description

Federal facilities, infrastructure, and programs need to adopt adaptive and resilient strategies for future climate impacts. The Federal government is actively working to increase the use of carbon pollution-free electricity while also reducing energy and water demand by implementing increasingly energy and water efficient technologies. What tools are available to help sites identify and plan for future climate impacts? What resilience considerations do sites need to consider when procuring and implementing on-site distributed energy resources? How should sites be considering the implications of climate change on key resources, such as water? This session will provide an overview of the Federal Energy Management Program's program areas and resources that can help federal staff address these pressing questions.

Short Description
This FEMP 50 offering discuses federal facilities, infrastructure, and programs that need to adopt adaptive and resilient strategies for future climate impacts. The Federal government is actively working to increase the use of carbon pollution-free electricity while also reducing energy and water demand by implementing increasingly energy and water-efficient technologies. This session will provide an overview of the Federal Energy Management Program's program areas and resources that can help federal staff address pressing questions.
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Energy Exchange