FEMP 50: Connecting Buildings: Data and Performance

1 hour
Long Description

As building technologies become more advanced and interconnected, we are able to track, monitor and collect data on each building's performance. Collecting and understand building data is the first step to identifying and reducing energy and water consumption to meet agency goals. With more advanced and interconnected technologies comes increased risk to cyber threats, but a commitment to cyber hygiene and best practices can overcome these risks. Join this session to understand how agencies can use building energy data to meet agency goals, leverage data to shape and improve O&M, and learn best practices and resources to ensure secure connected buildings.

Short Description
This FEMP 50 offering explores how as building technologies become more advanced and interconnected, we are able to track, monitor and collect data on each building's performance. Collecting and understand building data is the first step to identifying and reducing energy and water consumption to meet agency goals. With more advanced and interconnected technologies comes increased risk to cyber threats, but a commitment to cyber hygiene and best practices can overcome these risks. Join this session to understand how agencies can use building energy data to meet agency goals, leverage data to shape and improve O&M, and learn best practices and resources to ensure secure connected buildings.
Course Materials
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CEUs not offered
Energy Exchange