FEMP Cyber Series: 3-Focusing on Connected OT Cybersecurity Risk

1 hour
Long Description

The United States faces persistent and increasingly malicious cyber campaigns against both the public and private sectors that threaten American security, economic well-being, and privacy. Federal agency staff are facing increasing pressures to defend their facilities, control systems, and operational technologies against cyber intrusion. At the same time, facilities are increasingly interested in leveraging connected devices and systems to gain additional capabilities and efficiencies, but connecting devices to the internet can pose new and confusing cybersecurity questions. What considerations for "connectedness" do staff need to keep in mind when they want to add new devices or system to their facility without introducing new vulnerabilities to their current cybersecurity posture? This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) training, part of a Summer 2023 series on cybersecurity, will focus on the challenges of "connectedness" with regard to cybersecurity and provide an overview of FEMP's free FCF-IoT self-assessment tool that may help sites to identify areas of potential weakness from that connection.

Short Description
The third of four webinars in this Summer 2023 training series on cybersecurity, will focus on the challenges of "connectedness" with regard to cybersecurity and provide an overview of FEMP's free FCF-IoT self-assessment tool that may help sites to identify areas of potential weakness from that connection.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location
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CEUs Offered?
CEUs not offered
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