Financing for UESCs: Panel and Q&A

1.5 hours
Long Description

The ability to leverage third-party financing to upgrade aging infrastructure and reduce costs is a unique advantage of Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESCs) and a critical cost element to understand when managing a project. This webinar will include an overview of essential financing concepts and strategies followed by a financier panel and audience Q&A session. Topics addressed will include types of costs typically financed in a UESC, factors that influence interest rates, the process and roles and responsibilities for obtaining financing, and strategies to help federal agencies obtain optimal financing terms. The panel will be made up of a diverse group of financiers with extensive UESC lending experience. They will be available to answer live questions during the webinar.

Short Description
This webinar will include an overview of essential financing concepts and strategies followed by a financier panel and audience Q&A session. The panel will be made up of a diverse group of financiers with extensive UESC lending experience. They will be available to answer live questions during the webinar.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location
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CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

ESPC, UESC, and Appropriations Project Development

This curriculum offers courses related to financing the implementation of energy and water efficiency projects. These courses help to pair available project financing options with specific project situations in an effort to prevent stalled, unfunded projects.

Learning Focus

Utility Engagement

Utility Engagement
Energy Exchange