Getting More Out of Your Data Center: Tips and Tools for Better Energy Performance

2 hours
Long Description

A data center houses computer servers, storage, and networking equipment as well as critical support infrastructure such as cooling and electrical systems. Data center operators are challenged to address key mandates: deliver reliable services, operate efficiently, and ensure resiliency and flexibility. The objective of this webinar is to provide data center energy assessment tips and discuss relevant parts of Berkeley Lab's Data Center Energy Assessment Toolkit. These tools provide an essential resource for your assessments. The comprehensive DOE Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) training program offers more in-depth information on the Toolkit and on energy assessments in general. At the end of the webinar, you should be able to identify opportunities to save energy, reduce carbon emissions, and use key energy simulation tools. You should also be aware of the DCEP training. The curriculum includes key energy-assessment courses for people working with data centers, and it has a large set of training material, including software tools with what-if capabilities to reinforce the learning. The Federal Energy Act of 2020 states that each federal agency shall consider having its data centers evaluated once every 4 years by practitioners certified pursuant to the DCEP program.
This webinar is presented by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) sponsored Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

Short Description
A data center houses computer servers, storage, and networking equipment as well as critical support infrastructure such as cooling and electrical systems. Data center operators are challenged to address key mandates: deliver reliable services, operate efficiently, and ensure resiliency and flexibility. The objective of this webinar is to provide data center energy assessment tips and discuss relevant parts of Berkeley Lab's Data Center Energy Assessment Toolkit. The comprehensive DOE Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) training program offers more in-depth information on the Toolkit and on energy assessments in general.
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Energy Exchange