Indeterminate Savings ECMs: Get More Savings from Performance Contracts

1.25 hours
Long Description

This training informs attendees about an innovative way to integrate energy conservation measures (ECM) with “indeterminate” savings into ESPCs and UESCs (i.e., ones whose savings aren’t clear from a typical performance contract’s (PC) investment-grade audit, or whose savings are likely to vary from year to year.) Examples of these ECMs are whole-building re-/retro-commissioning (RCx), participation in demand response programs, and behavioral initiatives like ISO 50001. An innovative way to capture these savings is by using reserve accounts, and there are a couple of ways to approach it. The simplest way involves the energy service company or utility under-valuing the annual savings guarantee or estimate. Any excesses revealed by annual measurement and verification could be devoted to the reserve account.

Short Description
This training informs attendees about an innovative way to integrate energy conservation measures (ECM) with “indeterminate” savings into ESPCs and UESCs (i.e., ones whose savings aren’t clear from a typical performance contract’s (PC) investment-grade audit, or whose savings are likely to vary from year to year.)
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CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

ESPC, UESC, and Appropriations Project Development

This curriculum offers courses related to financing the implementation of energy and water efficiency projects. These courses help to pair available project financing options with specific project situations in an effort to prevent stalled, unfunded projects.

Learning Focus

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement
Energy Exchange