Indoor Environmental Quality Analysis and Solutions Interactive Training

1 hour
Long Description

This interactive training module will educate users about elements and properties of healthy office buildings through the selection of potential improvement measures for three hypothetical office building scenarios. By evaluating the provided indoor environmental quality (IEQ) performance assessment, the user will learn to identify strategies and key observations to improve IEQ conditions. The goal is to select the most applicable improvement measures for the respective building scenario and achieve the highest rating result. The content of this training is based on the Healthy Buildings and Energy Support Tool (H-BEST) and the module will aid in understanding the use of H-BEST for office buildings.

Short Description
This interactive training will educate learners about elements and properties of healthy office buildings through the selection of potential improvement measures for three hypothetical office building scenarios. The content of this training is based on the Healthy Buildings and Energy Support Tool (H-BEST) and the will aid in understanding the use of H-BEST for office buildings.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Resilience Planning and Integration

This curriculum offers courses help agencies with resilience planning and features practical steps for energy and water resilience projects. Topics include water management, continuity of operations for mission assurance, micro grids, grid reliability, and cybersecurity.

Learning Focus

Indoor Air Quality and Environment and Health

Indoor Air Quality and Environment and Health
Energy Exchange