Performance Contracting National Resource Center (PCNRC) Training Certificate Series

Long Description

The Performance Contracting National Resource Center (PCNRC) Training Certificate Series is an accredited, on-demand interactive eight-part series designed to support performance contracting and workforce development in the federal and MUSH markets (i.e., municipalities and state governments, universities and colleges, K-12 schools, and hospitals), provided at no cost to trainees. This training series supports the professional development of emerging and experienced professionals alike and provides the opportunity for individuals to earn continuing education credits and demonstrate their proficiency in performance contracting.

The PCNRC is a Department of Energy (DOE) hub for best practices and solutions for ESPCs implemented in the federal and MUSH markets. It was established in 2020 at the direction of Congress in H.R. 1865, Public Law 116-94 and is a collaborative effort between the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and the Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP).

Short Description
The Performance Contracting National Resource Center (PCNRC) Training Certificate Series is an accredited, on-demand interactive eight-part series designed to support performance contracting and workforce development in the federal and MUSH markets (i.e., municipalities and state governments, universities and colleges, K-12 schools, and hospitals), provided at no cost to trainees.
Course Materials
Date and Location
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

ESPC, UESC, and Appropriations Project Development

This curriculum offers courses related to financing the implementation of energy and water efficiency projects. These courses help to pair available project financing options with specific project situations in an effort to prevent stalled, unfunded projects.

Learning Focus

Strategic Project and Facility Energy Management

Strategic Project and Facility Energy Management
Energy Exchange