Utility Industry Basics For Federal Agency Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity (CFE) Procurement

2 hours
Long Description

This course provides foundational information that will help agencies understand the fundamental characteristics of the utility industry in the United States. With this information and understanding, federal agencies will be better prepared to meet the 100% carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) goals by 2030 as outlined in Executive Order 14057. This training provides attendees with an overview of the utility industry, and a suggested approach for assessing, strategizing, and implementing plans for increasing consumption of CFE.

Short Description
This course provides foundational information that will help agencies understand the fundamental characteristics of the utility industry in the United States. With this information and understanding, federal agencies will be better prepared to meet the 100% carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) goals by 2030 as outlined in Executive Order 14057.
Course Materials
Date and Location
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

ESPC, UESC, and Appropriations Project Development

This curriculum offers courses related to financing the implementation of energy and water efficiency projects. These courses help to pair available project financing options with specific project situations in an effort to prevent stalled, unfunded projects.

Learning Focus

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement

Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement
Energy Exchange