Water Management Basics

2 hours
Long Description

This course provides learners with a concise introduction to comprehensive water management, including the key topic areas of basic water management terminology, the history of federal water mandates, best practices associated with comprehensive water management, and proven water conservation financing mechanisms and strategies.

The three-module course offers a thorough overview of water management in the federal context:

  • Module One: Introduction to Federal Water Management
  • Module Two: Introduction to Comprehensive Water Management
  • Module Three: Financing and Launching Water Management Projects.

Learning Objectives

After completing this foundational course, learners will be able to:

  • Recognize water types and terminology, definitions, and applications
  • Initiate comprehensive water management planning
  • Consider their financing options to launch and pay for water management projects.
Short Description
Course provides learners with a concise introduction to comprehensive water management, including the key topic areas of basic water management terminology, the history of federal water mandates, best practices associated with comprehensive water management, and proven water conservation financing mechanisms and strategies.

Course ID
0.30 CEU
Training Type
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
FBPTA Alignment
8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Energy and Cyber Security Integration

This curriculum offers courses that help federal agencies and private entities to actively identify, prioritize, and mitigate the risks of cyber or physical attacks on facility-related control systems while maintaining the required levels of service for efficient operations.

Learning Focus

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management

Operations and Maintenance

This curriculum offers courses that encompass the operations and maintenance (O&M) of systems and equipment found in facilities. The courses feature resources that can help energy managers gain management support for O&M programs and save energy and money.

Learning Focus

Energy and Water Efficiency and Life Cycle Costs and Savings

Energy and Water Efficiency and Life Cycle Costs and Savings

Operations and Maintenance

This curriculum offers courses that encompass the operations and maintenance (O&M) of systems and equipment found in facilities. The courses feature resources that can help energy managers gain management support for O&M programs and save energy and money.

Learning Focus

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management

Operations and Maintenance

This curriculum offers courses that encompass the operations and maintenance (O&M) of systems and equipment found in facilities. The courses feature resources that can help energy managers gain management support for O&M programs and save energy and money.

Learning Focus

Water Technologies Management and Best Practices

Water Technologies Management and Best Practices

Strategic Integration Planning

This curriculum offers courses that support the integration of strategic installation, environmental, and energy requirements and initiatives into site-planning processes.

Learning Focus

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management

Strategic Energy and Water Program Development, Integration, and Risk Management
Energy Exchange