Sustainable Acquisition for Federal Agencies

2 hours
Long Description

This course provides staff involved in specifying and purchasing with a thorough introduction to compliance requirements, processes, and tools for procuring sustainable products and services. Learners will receive specific guidance about how to meet executive order and Federal Acquisition Regulation requirements and how sustainable acquisition benefits their agencies and communities and the environment.

By taking this online course learners will gain a better understanding of the requirements, available resources, best practices, and information pertaining to sustainable acquisition contract language.

Learning Objectives

By completing this course you will learn to:

  • Identify the purpose and benefits of federal sustainable acquisition goals and mandates
  • Develop a purchasing strategy as part of an Environmental Management System
  • Build internal agency programs, processes, and tools to support sustainable acquisition
  • Integrate sustainable acquisition best practices into contracts and purchase agreements
  • Locate and buy designated products and services to meet reporting requirements.
Short Description
Sustainable acquisitions are environmentally preferable products and services that help the federal government "buy green" while stimulating market demand. This training enables learners to recognize and comply with federal sustainability requirements before and during, the purchase of products and services, and the benefits that result to the federal government, the community, and the environment from compliance with these requirements.
Course ID
0.20 CEU
Training Type
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Legislative and Mandate Guidance

This curriculum offers courses that address relevant federal legislation and mandates related to energy and water management.

Learning Focus

Federal Policies, Requirements, Rules, and Industry Standards

Federal Policies, Requirements, Rules, and Industry Standards

Product Efficiency and Technology Integration

This curriculum offers courses that encompass various energy-efficient technology and equipment solutions, including building automation systems, maintenance management systems, optimal building performance strategies, advanced lighting systems, and emerging technologies.

Learning Focus

Energy Technology Efficiency

Energy Technology Efficiency
Energy Exchange